Referral Process


We accept referrals from anywhere in the United Kingdom, but have in the past had a joint partnership with Social services from Ireland. These usually come from the commissioner, care coordinator or social worker for the young person concerned.


We aim to insure that the referrals we receive, are assessed and matched appropriately to the different homes that we have to ensure that the young people will be a match for the young people already in the home. We do this using standardised assessment measures to understand the young person’s needs and  difficulties and assess what we would need to do to enable them to take control of their lives.


We believe it is very important to conduct a thorough assessment of a young person’s needs to ensure we have planned the right package of care for them so when sending referrals to us, please provide us with all the important information and relevant reports associated with the young person’s care history. These might include:

  • previous care reviews
  • court reports
  • risk assessments
  • cognitive assessments
  • school assessments


Wherever possible we also like to invite young people planning to transition to our service to come and meet the team. This allows them to ask questions and take away some information about the service and the programme they will be committing to. 


To make a referral please contact the team using the contact form, or contact details in the Contact Us page 

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